Author: Jen Franklin Kearns, ds-connex team member
Summer days are full of fun and adventure, and we know that team captains in the Down syndrome community are also busy hosting fundraisers for their teams. We love the creativity we see, year after year, as team captains work diligently to create fundraising opportunities to support the efforts of their local Down syndrome associations.
Team fundraisers have a key role in supporting Down syndrome events. Our research reports show that 60% of top team captains host fundraisers for their teams.
How are you raising funds for your team? We want to hear from you!
From Tuesday, July 24th to Thursday, August 23rd, send us a photo from one of your team fundraisers and a short description of how the event impacts your team for the chance to win one of four $100 donations to your team from ds-connex. Team fundraisers can come in all shapes and sizes, including golf outings, ice cream socials, garage sales, kickball tournaments and more. The sky is the limit, and we are excited to learn about your fundraisers!
Photo submissions can be emailed to ds-connex at Images can be from a fundraising event for this year or last year. By submitting a photo, you are giving ds-connex permission to edit your submission for grammar/length, and share your submission via the Connexions blog and across multiple social platforms in order to raise awareness and appreciation of your fundraising efforts on behalf of the Down syndrome community. All submitted fundraising ideas will be shared on the ds-connex social media outlets with the goal of inspiring the Down syndrome community with creative fundraising ideas for team captains across the country. (Please note: When submitting an entry from a mobile device, please be advised that the “connex” segment of our email address may be autocorrected, preventing your entry from reaching us. If you do not receive a confirmation of your entry, please try sending it again.)
One entry will be randomly selected on the following Fridays; 8/3, 8/10, 8/17, and 8/24 to win a $100 donation from ds-connex to their team. The winning entries will be announced each Friday at 2pm Eastern. The earlier you enter, the more chances you have to win!
We look forward to seeing and sharing your Summer of Fun-draising entries!
We plan on doing an Art comedy auction annually for team Super jack. You will be more than welcome to attend
I have challenged friends and family members to sell seven shirts or raise $100 for our buddies and then the buddy gets a pie in the face. You can see my video on my Facebook page. I am on the Double D Team and our walk is October 13.
I wanted to attach a video or photo but did not know how.
How about a 1K Color Run/Walk in downtown Columbus? The color run would promote the colorful features/identities of individuals with Down syndrome. I’ve always wanted to participate in one because of the awareness and fun it brings. We could charge a fee of $20 per adult, $10 per child over age 5, and under 5 and our exceptional Down members would be free. All proceeds would be to support and bring awareness to our Columbus, Ga Down syndrome community. Last, our exceptional individuals would receive a medal with “Empowering Down syndrome”on it.